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Blog, Growth, Lifestyle, Spirituality
Grateful to these beautiful, powerful women for providing the dose of humility I was in need of today. We were complaining earlier about the fact that we haven’t been able to get cash out ...
Blog, Growth, Lifestyle, Wellness & Self-care
A direct line to nature….
One of the elements of living in Dublin I found hardest was the lack of energetic space, the presence of humans all around and all they brought with them. I love people, but there was such a ...
Be an encourager.
I was in the final kilometre of my walk today and decided I’d run the last stretch. I could see a man up ahead walking towards me and as we got closer he began to clap and cheer me on ...
Blog, Growth, Lifestyle, Uncategorized, Wellness & Self-care
To be on any kind of path of transformation, personal growth, healing or spiritual awakening, inevitably involves acceptance of all the dark, murky stuff that we straight up don’t like; the ...
Oh dear God, what have I done….
Ok, I feel a bit sick. And teary. These are Jossie’s little curls. Hold me. I’ve stored them in a bag with ‘oh dear God, what have I done??’ written on it. It’s ...
This is ME.
Did any of you watch Keala Settle perform ‘This is Me’ on the Graham Norton Show on Friday?? Sweet Mother of all that’s holy, such a phenomenal song and singer and a ...
When fear feels like truth.
Many years ago, I had an out of the blue opportunity to work in Tokyo in one of the more random jobs I’ve had (and there’ve been a few) working as a weather presenter for a global ...
Blog, Lifestyle, Wellness & Self-care
Grumpy face goes running.
This was my grumpy face circa 1982 and again at about 8 o’clock last night when I had decided that I was going for a run. I was going, but I was not one bit happy about it. Brain: ...